Ceremony & Ritual & Community~ Winter Solstice

Ceremony & Ritual & Community~ Winter Solstice

  December 2021 Greetings and well wishes to all! Can you feel winter coming??!? Burr! Here in the North East it’s been hitting us like a brick wall! I used to hate winter but now I see it as a part of my spirit’s journey. The quiet part. The renewing part. The...
Spring into Stillness

Spring into Stillness

 (Post from April 2017) https://unsplash.com/photos/k05w653yXQc?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditShareLink I don’t know about you, but I feel as if spring came three weeks ago. The weather, the green grass, the LACK of snow- my...
A Good Day to Have Today.

A Good Day to Have Today.

( old blog post from October 2019) Today is the perfect autumn day. Sunny, cool but not cold, foliage filled with firey colors, a crispness to the air. Take it in. This moment. Stand barefoot outside for a few mins. Bask in the sun rays. Count your blessings. Enjoy...
What the Retrograde???

What the Retrograde???

(Post From August 2018~ Retrograde coming Soon! 1/13/2022~ Get ready:) Some terms get thrown around a lot and Mercury retrograde is one of them. Mercury retrograde, you’ve probably heard of it, but what does it mean? All the planets in our solar system move across the...