(My blog from October 2019- still great info!:)
Pumpkins and spice and everything nice!
Yes, that’s what the fall is made of!!
That and… Cold season.
Yes, cold season. Yuck.
The dreaded, blowing nose, coughing, sneezing, sanitizing and “fluie” season.
And anyone with kids at home, or in the workplace, will be even more prone to catching one, two, three, or even possibly four of the seasons colds and flu’s this winter.
October is a great month to start loading up your body with some immunity boosts that can keep you strong this season. You may not skip it entirely, but you can minimize the effects of the cold season by fortifying your health now. These are some of my faves to load up on now…
Oil of Oregano:
I know. This is tough love. If you haven’t tried Oil of Oregano, watch out! This stuff has a kick! A seriously spicy kick. So work up to the “Gotta Cold” dosage; start with one drop. Literally one drop. See how you do. My Trick: 2-3 drops under the tongue wait 30 to 60 seconds then use Listerine (the tough stuff, the Original). Follow with elderberry syrup if you have it.
Natural antibiotic
Reduces inflammation
Take 1-2 drops a day, under tongue
Gotta Cold?:
Take 2-3 drops a day, under tongue, two to three times a day.
*Make sure the product you are using is diluted with olive oil- if not dilute your oil with olive oil before you take it, put a drop in 1/2-1 teaspoon of olive oil. Most store brands are already diluted, but you will need to check the packaging.
If it keeps the vampires away, I’m pretty sure it can work for those nasty little bugs flying around this winter. Cook it, roast it, eat it raw. If you make sure everyone in your house is on the garlic regiment, you won’t have to invest in a ton of breath mints.
Boosts immune function
Cook with it or eat it raw 2-3 times a week
Gotta Cold?:
Eat 2-3 cloves a day, raw or cooked (Raw Garlic is also SPICY, watch how your tummy feels before eating more than one raw clove a day.)
These homeopathic pills are somewhat controversial. IDK, but I do know that it has helped me. When I first start feeling a little down or I am around folks that are sick, thats when I notice these tiny pills are most effective. Only you know what will work for you, but I would recommend giving these a try ( en fait , so would most of the French population, where it originated and is wildly popular).
Some folks have reported it….
relieves body aches
Take one tube when you are going to be in places where colds are spread : hospitals, schools, doctors offices, etc.
Gotta Cold?:
Dissolve the contents of one tube in your mouth every 6 hours, up to three times a day.
Vitamin D
Everyone needs more vitamin D in the winter, unless you spend several hours outside every day or live in FLA. Take a normal dosage unless you know – have had your vitamin D level checked – you have a very low level and then consult with your physician on dosage. Vitamin D supplements help prevent respiratory illness linked to the common cold, but also bronchitis, pneumonia and ear and throat infections.
Some other benefits: keeps bones healthy, regulates insulin levels, and supports healthy brain and the nervous system function.
In the winter months, you can take up to 5,000 iu daily, unless you are getting enough naturally or live in a warm climate. Not sure? Have your Dr test your levels.
Gotta Cold?:
you can double this amount (10,000 iu) for short stints (up to 5 days, but FRIRST consult with your doctor, this is just a recommendation but NOT medical advice
Elderberry Syrup
OK. Truth be told – this is my first season taking the stuff, so the verdict is still out. However I have enough close confidants that tell me it rocks their world every winter season. And I’ve read a ton of articles (which I am insanely guilty of before I recommend anything, always do your research!). Bottom line, I’m including it in my go-tos. Plus, this syrup is yummy.
one teaspoon a day during cold and flu season
Gotta Cold?:
Generally speaking, 2-3 teaspoons a day three times a day, but check with the brand you are using for specific directions with that product.
If you don’t know by now, I’m gonna let you in on a little secret.. Your body heals itself when you sleep. All other systems are “off” or slowed down to minimum capacity, so the immune system is able to go high speed into recovery mode. If you start feeling ill, you will need 8 to 10 hours. Yep. Put everyone to bed early -kids, hubby, dog, kitty, pet iguana -everyone. Its easier after daylight savings but before then you can still call in some early Zzzz’s.
BUT- before you get the sniffles- try this: Make your bed a winter sanctuary. Get dark curtains, warm sheets and blankets, candles that sooth you, maybe even a fun little white noise machine- whatever relaxes you. Make your room the kinda place a spa would envy. The kinda place that makes your heart sing “Ahhhhhhh”.
Do you know why bears and other critters hibernate? Because it takes more energy to do things when it’s cold out. So reserve your energy for work, workouts, kids, friends, family, fun time, and get to bed early during the winter!
A healthy gut equals a healthy body. True story, we have more microbes living in our body than we do human cells! When we get sick, it also effects these little guys, and if we take any medications – particularly antibiotics- we can reek havoc on our gut.
Eat your way to a healthy gut with kimchi, sauerkraut, and/or sip some kombucha (which feels great on a sore throat). Steer clear of yogurt if you are prone to heavy mucus.).
Take Probiotics everyday 30 mins before a meal.
Gotta Cold?:
You can take up to 150 billion live cultures. There is a lot of research going on in dosages right now. I have taken this amount and felt great, but if you are new to taking probiotics, start slowly and up your dosage with time, slowly, every few days. If you have any condition, illness or disease that depletes your immune system, seek medical advice before taking higher strains of probiotics. If you notice any unpleasant digestive issues, you maybe on too high a dose.
Fresh Air and Sunlight
Most of us work insane hours and spend less than 20 minutes outside every day. It really messes up our circadian rhythms, which reset our cortisol and hormonal levels. When the adrenals are run down you are super susceptible to catching that cold. Try to get outside for at least 30 minutes every day, more more if possible.
Suffering seasonal depression? Try and catch some rays of sunlight first thing in the morning. Can’t sit outside, too cold? Sip your tea or coffee by the warmest sunniest window in your home. The first rays will change your day.
Vitamin C:
Although there is some debate on whether vitamin C actually helps heal colds, I keep going back to it. I feel better when I take it AND there is something about citrus in the colder months that comforts me all winter. My thoughts are, it’s doing something!
This link leads to a little inspirational Vitamin C story that might convert you as well-
200-400 mg daily during Flu season
Gotta Cold?:
You can take up to 2,000 mg without side effects (this is in general, if you feel any digestive stress or other irregularity when you are increasing your dosage, go back to a dose that feels right. If you are unsure, get your doctors approval. Vitamin C is water soluble so extra C gets peed out. However, if you have kidney issues or chronic digestive issues 2,000 might be too much, again consult your physician. More than 2,000 is not recommended, nor usually necessary.
Hot Lemonade
I don’t know why this works, but I’ve been sipping hot lemonade every cold season for over 20 years now.
My Recipe:
1 to 3 lemons (or however many you can tolerate)
Hot water.
*Squeeze lemons and strain for pits and pulp.
*Pour in 1 to 2 teaspoons of honey or to taste. If you are avoiding sugar use a Monk fruit sweetener (what the heck is monk fruit??? This stuff is going to rock your sugarless world! My fav: SOLA
* Throw a red wedge of lemon in the tea to keep that tang alive and well.
*Sometimes I throw in a pinch – and I mean just a pinch dash of cayenne pepper to warm my body up and keep my metabolism flushing everything out.
I start to drink this lovely concoction when I’m feeling down and out. I recommend imbibing 2 to 3 of these a day once you start feeling blue.
So there’s my Go To List. I left out Zinc, Reishi Mushrooms and Echinacea because 10 is a nice round number and I don’t always get around to these late comers, although they are also worthy of your attention.. I linked to my favs so you can look them up on Amazon. Also, remember this is not medical advice, and if you have any medical questions please consult with your family doctor.
And- Hey! Let me know if you try any of these and if they work for you! OR if you have a “don’t-get-sick-natural- hack” that you would like to share. I love trying new things and spreading the word to keep the world a healthy and happier place, the natural way.
In Health and Happiness,
Shana xo