Solar Eclipse Season & Life Lessons:
Sometimes the bravest thing that you can do is to trust the universe
New Moon. New eclipse cycle. New start. New insights. The New Action is Non-action.
New moons, usually usher in a time to plant seeds, set intentions, begin projects, to forge forward, and to start to act, but the best thing you can do this solar eclipse new moon in Aries (boy! what a mouthful!) is to pause.
But this auspicious new moon, will be a powerful catalyst to reveal where, what and how to create and manifest for the next 18 months, as this is a new eclipses season of the Libra – Aries cycle that will last into it until 2025. Not only that, but it is very rare to have a second new moon in Aries, and, at the same time have a the first fire sign in an eclipse since 2015. If I was a betting man, I would bet that some big changes will happen. Best thing to do? Sit back and see what happens.
The eclipse cycles set things in motion in motion for the next 6–18 months. during this time, you maybe highly aware of the changes and improvements that you need to make in your life. The cycles can bring opportunities, good tidings, and inpredicted cicumstances that may catch you off guard. These possibilities may only be revealed during and after the actual eclipse.
During a solar eclipse the sun, moon, and earth move into alignment. The moon is thus positioned between the sun and the earth casting a shadow that blocks the sun’s rays for a brief period.
The sun (and its energy) represents our vital life force and when it is blocked, we -for short period- must come to grips with that which has been lurking in the shadows, with that which is true even in the darkness, with that which supports us – even when we have lost our way.
It’s a vital time when we are asked if we are truly living our lives on purpose. The answer is often divulged in not what we see, but what we feel and know as true.
This is where our faith comes from. How this is answered will enlighten us to whether our faith is serving our highest good. It is also where we can investigate our belief systems, how they were formed, and if our beliefs are supporting us or if change is needed.
Eclipse brings the out most important matters, both good and bad, into the light so they can truly be praised or reckoned with.
For this short period, life may get distorted or “dark” andwe may not feel normal until the eclipse has passed (truly 48 hours: 24 hours before, and 24 hours after)
But what can emerge is where we are strongest, and/ or where we need the most support and help; where we need to change directions. In fact, many opportunities arrive during an eclipse that we had no way of knowing about or seeing beforehand.
Solar eclipses can initiate a time for change and growth. They compel us to learn from our past experiences and as we integrate those lessons, we begin to further evolve, moving and ascending upwards.
With this solar eclipse being in Aries, we are going to be pulled to take action to move towards our goals, to be brave, assertive and courageous. Yet we going to have to fight these tendencies or inclinations as the ecsilpse reminds us that nonaction is action.
Advancing is possible and yet -at this time- we need to stop and progress slowly after eclipse. in this moemnt, at this time, we need to just sit back and observe.
Fresh starts will be happening but without mindful reflections of where we’ve been, we are likely to repeat the past.
If we want to make strides towards our desires we need to move with compassion.
Eclipses teaches us the life lessons in abrupt and powerful ways.
We can learn valuable lessons from them:
° Being brave means asking for help.
°Patience is concentrated strength.
° Silence speaks loudest.
° Kindness is the light that dissolves all the walls between souls, families and nations” Paramahansa Yogananda
And my very favorite:
° Sometimes the bravest thing you can do is trust to the universe
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