(Post from April 2017)
I don’t know about you, but I feel as if spring came three weeks ago. The weather, the green grass, the LACK of snow- my energy has been rising for awhile now~ feeling into the emerging rebirth of spring. And as wonderful as it may be, its as if time is going so quickly, my to-do list doubles and my frustration can be stronger. I feel like I am on a road trip and I’ve been traveling for hours and yet my destination is still 20 miles away.
What to make of this bursting forward marching energy without stumbling?
Go forward slowly.
Here comes the sun~ the Spring Equinox
Spring is a time to balance. You can’t run a marathon by not running, and yet if you run too much you wont have enough stamina to go the distance. My fiancé is running in the NYC half this weekend. He has been running quite a bit, but this week before the race- its one long run and then nothing for a day then one short one and nothing for a day, and then the race. I think this is really interesting. Especially for those of you out there like me (there is probably at least one-ha!) who are always “go, go, going!” This year I’ve had some medical issues-which I will hopefully will get to talk about at a later date- and my acupuncturists told me flat out “SLOW DOWN”. Whaaaaaaat? Those words seem foreign to me. I hate to admit but I can be a bit of an adrenal junkie, and I love the thrill of the chase- albeit goals, dreams, new distances, new asanas. And this year, I’ve put on the brakes. I’ve slowed down everything, even my class schedule to create more balance. More balance between the go-go’s and the pauses in-between. I’ve come to learn that the pause is like a meditation. It seems as if only in mediation do you stop and listen. Stop and really breath, stop and hear our hearts. Stop and connect with the magical essence of our being. And I think its working. Once I do start moving ahead, I know it will be in a more balanced and measured way. No stumbling, no falling, just one foot in front of the other.
Two steps forward, one step back, PAUSE.
two steps forward, one step back~
You get the idea. To really GET there, to live into each one of our unique destinies, we need to travel in a way that is not only better then full speed ahead, but faster because it is anchored in the present moment. Here, time stands still and we enjoy the road so much, we don’t realize the distance.
Please join me for free yoga and mediattion Friday night to honor the Spring Equinox
(by donation, all proceeds going to support the Rainforst fund (www.rainforestfund.org)
6-715 pm, Hamptons Yoga Healing Arts
8 Moniebogue Lane, Westhampton Beach NY 11978