Winter Tip# for Restoring Your Yin:
FOOT SOAKS (even the words sound like “ahh”)
Snow boots, heavy socks, cold feet- winter months really add a toll on our furthest extremities. How to make your Sunday evening – bit more relaxing and enjoyable? A foot bath (soak). I know – it seems like a posh thing you might have to trek to the spa for. It’s not. You can do it at home, with everything you need minus the frills of cucumber mint water (wait… some of you may have that too!)
You need:
1- A big tub/ pot/ bucket/ even a ginormous vase might do (don’t laugh, I have used one before)
2- Warm Water (about a gallon- you reallly just need to cover your feet)
3- 1/4-1/2 cup Salt (here’s where you can get fancy*)
essential oils (my suggestions**)
Baking soda 1/4 c to soften skin
Apple vinegar (sounds yucky-but here’s why***)
Bring two cups of the water and the salt to a simmer on the stove. Once the salt has dissolved, add the mixture to the tub and add the rest of the water ( at a temperature you enjoy) . Soak feet for 15-20 mins.
Why bother?
Salt naturally detoxes- so a simple salt bath will help to draw out toxins from your body. Certain salts, (*) like Epsom or even sea salt, contain minerals that your body needs -particularly magnesium. Magnesium helps the body handle issues with fatigue, blood pressure, nausea, respiration, calcium absorption (bone quality() or name a few. Also foot soaks can be regenerating, healing, and calming to our central nervous system. To enhance the bath add some essential oils. Some suggestions **
-peppermint, lemongrass, citrus oils to invigorate & energize
-lavender, ylang ylang or sandalwood to relax and promote sleep
-tea tree and eucalyptus to remove odors or infections (*** a 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar will work well also for this)
In TOM (traditional oriental medicine), the winter season is ruled by the water element which governs our need/ desire for salt, as well as correlates to meridians (energy lines) that start and end in our feet. What a way to line up with the universal, healing, NOW energies!
Soak up & enjoy:)